Work in progress for my next project at UCLA. These are color comps and character designs for an animated music video for “Dead All Along” performed by the amazingly talented, Ceri Frost. This is a terrific song by Ceri.
Logline: Peekle the faun, a mystical animal link to nature, realizes that he and nature are dead to mankind.
The death spoken of in the song is the death of man’s reverence for nature. At one time, man recognized that animals represented a mystical link to nature and the divine. Peekle is a spirit animal or totem animal who linked man with nature and the divine, and facilitated man’s communion with nature and the divine. Now, man no longer sees the spirit animals and has forgotten how to commune with them. Peekle is therefore dead to men, and nature and the divine are lost to us. The words and music of nature no longer inspire men.
Work in progress, hand drawn and Photoshop.